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Thursday, October 23, 2008

World Rabies Day 2008 - CDC Internship Essay Competition

World Rabies Day 2008
CDC Internship Essay Competition

Call for Student Essays:
The Alliance for Rabies Control is holding a CDC Internship Essay Competition for veterinary students. The winner will be awarded a two-week internship in the Rabies Program at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Eligible students are current SAVMA members from any of the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine (CVMs) that received start-up funding for their World Rabies Day event. Eligible CVMs include: Colorado State University; Cornell University; Kansas State University; Michigan State University; Ohio State University; Oklahoma State University; St. Georges University; Texas A&M University; Tufts University; Tuskegee University; University of Florida; University of Illinois; University of Nebraska/Iowa; and University of Wisconsin-Madison.

CDC Internship:
The student will have the opportunity to conduct a two-week rotation in the Rabies Program at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. While serving as a guest researcher in CDC’s Rabies Program, the intern will have an opportunity to learn about rabies diagnostics, epidemiology, laboratory research (including pathogenesis and vaccine development), public health policy, and communications. The intern will have the opportunity to meet with CDC scientific staff specializing in veterinary public health, epidemiology, diagnostics, laboratory research, policy, communications, and meet with various CDC Epidemiology Intelligence Officers. The internship will be scheduled on mutually convenient dates for host and participant but is expected to take place between May and September 2009. Roundtrip airfare and per diem allowance for food and lodging will be provided.

Guidelines for Essay Submissions:
The applicant should submit an essay on the role veterinarians play in public health and zoonotic disease prevention and control including a few specific examples as well as prevention tools. A current or recent outbreak example would be of interest. The student should critique key factors that were implemented in control and how this affects future policy. The applicant should also discuss their interest in rabies prevention and control, this internship, why they are interested in World Rabies Day and what it means to them. Applicants may also wish to include any related activities or formal instruction that the student has completed in the areas of public health and/or infectious diseases and other aspects the student would like the review committee to take into consideration.

The essay shall be no longer than 1,000 words, Arial or equivalent 12 point font, and double-spaced; submitted in electronic Word format. The essays will be anonymized and should NOT contain any pictures, identifying location information or school names. Essays that do not adhere to these requirements will not be reviewed. All essays should be received by 11:59pm EST on November 17th, 2008 and will be submitted for ranking to a committee of public health professionals involved in rabies prevention and control. A decision will be announced by February 17, 2009. Paperwork for CDC clearance will require approximately 3 months to process in advance of an expected visit.

Questions regarding this call for student essays should be directed to Peter Costa (Tel: 919-830-2199 or

click for application

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